
Below you can find some frequent Q&As to learn more about the bot

Bot Description

Musibeth is a free Discord bot, so everyone can invite it to their server and use it together with friends, your community, your colleagues, in short, with whoever you want! You are not obliged to use it, but we ask you to try it and, if you liked it or not, to leave us feedback. The main function of Musibeth is to play all YouTube contents directly here on Discord, but you can do much more than just music bots!

How to use it

Just insert at the beginning of each command the bot prefix (if default, it's m!). Now, you can customize it in your server with the m!prefix . For example, if I want to listen to music, I will use the m!play command followed by the name of the song to be listened to. If in doubt, use the m!help .

How to support it

Use the command m!donate and Musibeth will answer you with a link that will connect you, where you can make a free donation or a standard donation. If you do, you will receive special roles here on the server and we thank you very much! However you can do it simply by reporting any type of bug or writing error by contacting us.

Last updated